Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Santiago Chile 2010

Santiago & Viña del Mar 

The beach was beautiful, the climate was extremely warm in the mornings because of the beaming sun and chilly in the evenings. In this photo I am at Viña del Mar                                                            . The famous beach and college city of Chile. We also went to the casino that you see behind me which by the way was beautiful and went shopping at the shopping mall. Chile has one of the largest beaches and you are looking at rthe product of one of them. 

 This picture was taken right outside of the Catholic Church. This guy made this mural and when people walk past they throw him tips. Beautiful artwork! This connects to our class because it shows the huge impact the Spanish Catholic religion still has on people this day. 63 percent of people still identify as Catholic in Chile.
Cultural & Social Differences: 
In most countries outside of USA there are stray dogs everywhere. This dog was knocked out nearby La Moneda or the "White house of Chile"
The picture on the left is me and my boyfriend in front of La Moneda. Its smack dab downtown of Santiago, Chile. This is where all decisions are made, my boyfriend is not sure if the president lives there. 

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