Sunday, October 14, 2012

What would it be like

5 minutes of writing:

What would it be like to leave your whole life family behind?

My response- 

It would definitely be disheartening to leave all of my family behind. I think of my best friend Elvi and how she hasn't seen her mom for 5 years. She is an illegal Mexican immigrant who came here on her own for a chance at a better life. It would be nearly impossible to visit just like its a normal vacation. It makes me think of the luxuries we take for granted sometimes. 
It would just break my heart in two to be in that situation. To have your daughter at five years old to never had met her "Abuela" , to leave your father, sisters, nieces and nephews and entire life behind to come to nothing familiar. To be forced to make a decision of vida o muerte. Its just "Inimaginable". For me it would be scary, I don't know if I could do it. 

What are things you would preserve?
We talked about how some people cant shake their customs all of the way. Some people just flat out assimilate. I think I would try to preserve my racial history and still celebrate or think of some of the things you also cant shake are your underlying thoughts. 

My friend has preserved her language, her holidays, and her cooking customs. 
Her and her family still celebrate el dia de los muertos, El Baptismo of a child, She still only cooks all authentic Mexican food. See below the tostada (i think) and the cacto. She makes a mean black bean soup out of cactus. She also teaches her daughter about all of her customs because she doesnt know much about the American customs and holidays and her daughter doesnt speak English. 

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